January 28, 2022
Beyond ATSPM

ATSPMs help engineers track many leading indicators of signal issues by phase, such as split failures, arrival on greens, and turning count movements. But when we talked with engineers across the country, they told us even when they can access ATSPMs, they don’t always know where their worst intersections are. And, when they find problematic intersections, they can’t always find what’s causing the signal issue. Even with ATSPMs, engineers still rely on video feeds, fieldwork, and citizen complaints to see what’s happening on their roadways. Why?

How can ATSPMs be better?

They’re hardware dependent, so the data they’re using isn't accurate. We worked with UDOT to do one of the largest studies of detector data ever, and found their detectors are only 27.6% accurate. In the same study, we found their ATSPMs missed 82.8% of split failures, and were more likely to do so as control delay rose.
They only show operations metrics, and only at a phase level. ATSPMs don’t aggregate their phase metrics to show you what’s happening at the intersection or network level. And they don’t show you how these operations issues are impacting safety, mobility, equity, and the environment. Instead of solving problems, you’re analyzing your data for these answers.

What's Flow Labs doing differently?

We’re not hardware dependent, and the data we’re using is proven to be 94.4% accurate. Our virtual sensors integrate existing signal and sensor data with Connected Vehicle (Geospatial) data, so we collect 10 times more data than if we used one data source. We leverage artificial intelligence to cross reference our datasets and make sure our data is right.

We measure safety, mobility, environmental, equity, AND operational metrics at the route, network, intersection, and phase level. See everywhere your roadways are congested, polluted, and unsafe, track how these conditions change by community, and see why the issue is happening without going into the field.
Our artificial intelligence finds your biggest problems so you don’t have to. We give every detector, phase, intersection, and network a score based on how it’s performing. And we don’t just create scores for operations: we make them for mobility, safety, environment, and equity.
Use our analytics platform Abacus to get an instant snapshot of your roadways, such as your worst intersection in a network or worst phase in an intersection.
Use our proactive monitoring platform Cerberus to immediately rank the scores from lowest to highest. Cerberus also continuously scans all your networks for problems, and instantly alerts you to low scores.
With best in class data and analytics, we’re making traffic management proactive instead of reactive. Schedule a demo to learn more.
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