November 16, 2021
Complete, Accurate Analytics

At Flow Labs, we’ve designed a complete analytics platform to help you find problems instantly, without needing to do any fieldwork. Our hardware-free virtual sensors are 94.4% accurate in field conditions and can get data from anywhere on your roadways, for 1/300th the cost of hardware. You can start using our platform on all your roadways right now, and get total visibility into safety, operations, mobility, environmental impact, and equity.


Instantly reduce crashes by up to 32% with better coordination. We measure every leading indicator of unsafe driving, including red light running, excessive speeding, dilemma zone entry, and aggressive acceleration and deceleration. You can track these indicators at every phase, intersection, and network on your roadways. We also help you to prioritize pedestrian and cyclist safety: we identify where pedestrians and cyclists are most vulnerable to a crash.


Instantly find and diagnose your most problematic networks, intersections, phases, and detectors. Our virtual sensors let us track the level of service for every vehicle across phases, intersections, and networks.
Find the root causes of problems quickly: our proprietary signal health scores measure every leading indicator of signal issues including control delay, volumes, queue lengths, split failures, and arrivals on green. Find every malfunctioning or broken detector in your networks with our proprietary detector health scores.


Instantly find your most congested intersections, networks, and routes. Measure travel time, control delay, and volume across a route with our proprietary route health scores. Along any route, you can find where vehicles stop, where they spend the most time waiting, where the biggest chokepoints are, and how these metrics trend on a day to day basis.


Instantly find your most polluted corridors. Our industry leading environmental analytics are calculated by applying EPA approved models to our proprietary mobility analytics. Use our metrics to track vehicle emissions and fuel consumption levels across all your networks, intersections, and phases.


Instantly find your most underserved areas. Our industry leading equity analytics are calculated by cross referencing population data with our proprietary mobility, operations, safety, and environmental analytics.
To see our analytics in action, contact us to schedule a demo.
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