All of your transportation data, in just a few clicks

Accurate, comprehensive metrics with Abacus

Powered by our data integration platform, visualize the most comprehensive and accurate analytics available today. From your largest regions, to your smallest turning movements, see all of the data you care about in just a few seconds, in just a few clicks. Measure operations, mobility, safety, and environmental impact.
      Gain total visibility, right now.
View what’s happening at every network, road, intersection, phase, and detector. There’s no new hardware to install, maintain, or operate.
       Find, diagnose, and solve problems.
Our diagnostic tools help you identify the root cause of any transportation issue, allowing you to resolve issues faster.
       Trust your data.
Our virtual sensors clean, process, and integrate together multiple datasets, giving you 10 times more data for 1/300th the cost of a detector. Our data has been proven to be 94.4% accurate in the field.