
Our Vision is 50 by 2050.

By the year 2050, the world’s population will be over ten billion. With increasing demand for travel and a rapidly aging legacy infrastructure, it’s easy to get disheartened about the future of transportation. But we believe in better.

We envision a world where everyone’s roads are clearer, our air is cleaner, and our loved ones can all return home safely. With our technologies, we’re going to reduce travel times by 50%, reduce transportation emissions by 50%, and reduce crashes by 50%, all by 2050. And we’re challenging all innovators to join us in our 50 by 2050 movement.

The future of traffic management is integrated.

We envision a future where everyone, from leaders to engineers, can always trust their data. Where we can accurately predict and measure the impact of our projects and policies, and maximize returns on taxpayers’ investments. Where all stakeholders can collaborate effectively. Where our transportation networks can evolve as quickly as the populations using them do, and offer everyone a better quality of life.
This future is impossible to achieve without reliable and comprehensive data. Datasets must be integrated to give agencies the information they need when they need it. With the majority of signals already connected, a myriad of IoT devices, and millions of connected vehicles already on our roadways, we can accomplish this right now.

The future is already here.

At Flow Labs, we’re integrating data by breaking down silos and providing deep insights. We’re integrating workflows and fostering collaboration by creating best-in-class software applications. Through proprietary machine learning, we optimize the most complex systems in transportation and provide mission-critical analytics, enabling professionals to make decisions rapidly and accurately. We’ve achieved exceptional results and we’ve done this all without any additional infrastructure or hardware.

The future is Flow Labs.

You can’t build great AI without great data. With a reliable data foundation and world-class artificial intelligence, we can solve any problem agencies face, so that’s exactly what we’re going to do. We can integrate any data source, so we’ll keep combining them, including emerging ones, and developing new ones. We’ll further strengthen our AI capabilities to help agencies optimize every traffic system on their roadways. We’ll create solutions to predict traffic crashes before they happen, we’ll increase visibility even more than we already have, we’ll develop effective and equitable urban planning tools, and we’ll build the world’s first unselfish navigation platform to optimize routes for every vehicle in a city. And then we’ll keep going.
For transportation agencies, citizens, innovators, and investors who share our vision, enter your email address below. Don’t get left behind when the next wave of traffic management arrives.
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