Performance measurement for all your projects

Find the total impact and ROI of any project, anywhere on your roadways.

Litmus measures safety, mobility, economic, operations, and environmental impact from when your project starts to when it ends. Then it automatically analyzes the changes to show you exactly what improved, what didn’t, by how much, and why.  Instead of doing a fieldwork study that takes months to complete, you can generate a comprehensive, accurate report in under a minute.
      Track your project’s entire impact on all road users.
Our virtual sensors can gather high quality data from anywhere, so we can measure what’s happening on all of roads in your networks and at all of your intersections.
       Get the right metrics, in the right way.
We measure changes to key performance indicators  including dilemma zone entry, speeding, control delay, route travel times, and emissions.
       Get the right data, every time.
Our data is proven to be 94.4% accurate, so whether you’re looking at analytics based on turning movement counts, vehicle delays, travel times, volume estimations, or anything else, you’ll be able to trust your report.