Our Difference

We have the best data in traffic management.

Our proprietary virtual sensors are proven to be 94.4% accurate in the field and collect ten times as much data as hardware for 1/300th the cost. We are the first platform in the industry to successfully integrate signal, sensor, and connected vehicle data, and our platform is designed to integrate any type of transportation data.  

With an affordable, complete, future-proof and accurate data platform, we can capture comprehensive transportation operations, mobility, safety, and environmental impact analytics, as well as anything else an agency needs to measure. We push the boundaries of what analytics should be able to do, from the most advanced environmental analytics in traffic management to our proprietary safety diagnostics, which help you find the best solution to minimize red light running and dilemma zone entry at an intersection—all in under a minute.

We don’t just help you understand your biggest transportation problems. We use AI to give you customized plans to solve them. 

Having the best data in traffic management isn’t enough. Your transportation technology should give you decision support and unparalleled insight. It should alert you to your highest priority problems immediately, so you can solve them as quickly as possible. It should enable you to measure the ROI of any project in seconds.

And it should generate reliable, multi-modal solutions. With proprietary artificial intelligence, we optimize systems to help you address your largest mobility, safety, environmental, and equity issues. We’ve started by optimizing traffic signals: our platform optimizes traffic for safety and mobility on a network level. It is proven to reduce travel times by 24%, emissions by 21%, and crash risk by 51%. And because we’re an end to end signal management platform, there are no black boxes. We won’t give you an optimization plan without also giving you the data it’s based on.

We’re affordable and scalable, so you’ll get results right now.

The infrastructure and hardware you have today is enough to transform your roadways. There’s no hardware for your team to install, learn, or maintain, making us 50 times faster to deploy and 1/12th as expensive as hardware-based solutions.