June 13, 2022

Find the total impact of any project, anywhere on your roadways. Our performance measurement tool Litmus measures safety, mobility, and environmental impact from when your project starts to when it ends. Then it automatically analyzes the changes to show you exactly what improved, what didn’t, by how much, and why.

With Litmus, you won’t need to generate and compile reports of your timing plans, and analyze trends from this raw data. You won’t need to do weeks or months of fieldwork to check your results. You can generate a comprehensive, accurate report in minutes, for 1/12th the cost of other solutions. Instantly see how your project impacted safety and congestion, write more compelling grant narratives, allocate resources to your most successful projects, and share these results easily with key stakeholders and your citizens.

What makes our performance measurement tool different from other performance measurement analytics?

1. We measure what’s happening on all of your roadways and at all of your intersections. Be confident you’re tracking your project’s entire impact on all road users, across all key performance metrics. For example, if you launched a new bus route, Litmus shows you by exactly how much public transit initiative lowered congestion across every roadway in the area, instead of just on the route itself. Our hardware free virtual sensors can gather high quality data from anywhere, so we can measure what’s happening across all the roads in your networks. We also offer you the opportunity to gather information on only the intersections, a certain route, or only major roads within an area.

2. We show you the right metrics, in the right way. No more pages and pages of data that you need to search through for insights. Our reports are customized and concise. We measure the most important indicators of safety, mobility and environmental impact. We also work with each engineering department directly to learn what you want to measure. We then include in the reports metrics specific to your needs.  

3. We have reliable data you can trust. Your decisions are only as good as the information they’re based on. Our data has been proven to be 94.4%accurate. Whether you’re looking to gather information taken from turning movement counts, vehicle delays, travel times, volume estimations, or anything else, you’ll have the right data, every single time.

4. We’re affordable and scalable. Measure every project, without having to leave your desktop. Litmus is included in our hardware-free analytics platform. There’s no new hardware for you to buy, install, or maintain, which makes us 50 times faster to deploy and 1/12th the cost of other solutions. Set us up in days and deploy us across a region in weeks.

How does our performance measurement tool work?

The entire process takes about a minute to complete.  

1. Select where, what, and when you want to measure. Highlight any area, such as a network, and pick which metrics you want to track. Litmus can measure metrics along signals, routes, major roads, and all roads. It can measure changes over full days, or over a specific time of day, such as peak travel times.  

2. View an interactive report in seconds. You’ll see all your key performance metrics and a summary of the key impacts your project had. You can also deep dive into our interactive chart to see where and why the biggest improvements occurred. 

3. Download and share your report with key stakeholders. Formats for your reports are custom built for you and your team.

Use our performance measurement tool to:

  • Measure the safety, environmental, and mobility impact of construction projects, such as tracking whether new roads are creating induced demand.
  • Measure the impact of your Vision Zero initiatives. You don’t have to wait for crash statistics to measure if safety has improved on your roadways. We measure every leading indicator of unsafe driving, enabling you to quantify how much unsafe driving has decreased across an area.
  • Measure the total impact of public transit projects.
  • Measure and communicate the benefits of Complete Streets initiatives.
  • Measure the effectiveness of resiliency initiatives, such as transportation evacuation plans in the event of extreme weather.
  • Measure the safety, environmental, and mobility impact of a congestion pricing plan.
  • Measure the effectiveness of an EV charging station deployment.
Or any other project you want.
Interested in learning more about our industry-first performance measurement tool? Contact us to schedule a demo.
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