January 28, 2022
Why Flow Labs
is the best partner
for funding
in 2022

The Biden administration is giving agencies significant funding for safety, environmental, and transportation equity initiatives. By working with Flow Labs, you’ll be uniquely competitive for all of these grant opportunities.

1. We have the best safety, mobility, operations, equity, and environmental data.

Today, agencies are using data that’s only 27.6% accurate, making it difficult to have an impact at scale, understand your roadways, or measure your projects for funding and other key stakeholders. Our virtual sensors have been tested in the field, and are 94.4% accurate. They gather 10 times more data for 1/300th the cost of hardware detection, allowing us to provide you with the most reliable and complete analytics in traffic management.   

Safety: In December 2021, the NHTSA stated it will provide $260 million in grants for highway safety programs. We track every leading indicator of unsafe driving—including speeding, red light running, dilemma zone entry, aggressive braking—at every phase, intersection, and network. We also identify everywhere pedestrians and cyclists are most vulnerable to a crash. 

Mobility and Operations:
We measure every detector, phase, intersection, network, and route, so you can see everywhere your roadways are congested, and find out why the issue is happening immediately. You’ll be able to track larger trends and get detailed information for any point on your roadways. 

Environment: We are the only traffic management platform to measure environmental impact by tracking fuel consumption and emissions on all networks, intersections, and phases, making you uniquely competitive for initiatives such as:
Equity: Biden’s government-wide Justice40 initiative states that 40% of all federal investments will focus on marginalized communities. Additionally, the infrastructure law prioritizes equity: as an example, it will fund “a greater federal share for transportation planning activities for lower-density and lower-income portions of metropolitan areas and adjoining rural areas.” We use population data to track how safety, mobility, operations, and environmental impact change by community, giving you detailed information into how these issues impact one another.

2. We don’t just find problems—we help you solve them.

Having the best data in traffic management isn’t enough. We give you customized plans for the biggest problems facing your departments. Here are some of the ways we can help:

Reduce crashes by 32%, travel times by 24%, and emissions by 21% by optimizing traffic signals for mobility AND safety. In 2022, USDOT will give nearly $1 billion in grants around US infrastructure. Now called RAISE Discretionary Grants, under Biden these grants will prioritize projects that “will improve infrastructure, strengthen supply chains, make us safer, advance equity, and combat climate change.” Seattle received a RAISE grant in 2021 to, among other initiatives, optimize their traffic signals. Our optimization platform is proven to reduce emissions by 21%, travel times by 24%, and vehicle delay by 29%. We use our safety data to make our timing plans, so you can minimize congestion and environmental impact while making sure your roadways are safe for everyone. 

Increase equity and reduce travel times, emissions, and crashes by optimizing the traffic signals on transit routes for public transportation.
Agencies can use our equity metrics, our optimization solution, and their public transportation routes to make sure the traffic signals on these routes have been optimized for mobility and safety, especially in low income areas. 

Get more citizens safely evacuated in less time by optimizing traffic signals for
extreme weather evacuations. The infrastructure law will give over $50 billion to “make our infrastructure resilient against the impacts of climate change, cyber-attacks, and extreme weather events.” Agencies can use our platform to see where roadways become congested and unsafe during evacuations and then optimize traffic signals from this information. 

Deploy congestion pricing plans equitably.
In recent years, congestion pricing has gained traction as an innovative way to discourage citizens from using cars, particularly during peak travel times. However, congestion pricing can also disproportionately affect low income citizens. We can use our data and AI to create congestion pricing plans that minimize congestion while being equitable for all. 

Increase Electric Vehicle usage by getting the optimal locations for EV charging sites.
The infrastructure law gives $7.5 billion to deploy Electric Vehicle Chargers both highways and communities across the US. Because we use connected vehicle data, we can use our data and AI to give you a map of the best places to deploy chargers based on where the most EVs are.

3. Maximize your ROI: we’re affordable, scalable, and rapidly deployable.

We integrate with your existing infrastructure, which means you don’t need to install new, expensive hardware. That makes us 50 times faster to deploy and 1/12th as expensive as hardware-based solutions. Agencies can start using us in days and scale us throughout a region in weeks. 

‍Find funding opportunities for the Infrastructure Law with fact sheets for each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. Territories.

Interested in learning more about how we can help with funding opportunities? Contact us to schedule a demo.
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